
On Country

On Country is the professional resources hub of our financial literacy program, My Money Dream. 

It’s designed for those working in community organisations or financial wellbeing roles, providing culturally appropriate financial literacy resources for your First Nations clients and communities.

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What you’ll have access to

My Money Dream

My Money Dream

Financial literacy resources for your clients and/or community, including:

Helpful tips and fact sheets on key money issues such as debt or super
Printable posters, from ‘How to Recognise a Scam’ to ‘Good Money Habits’
Printable worksheets and printable budgeting templates

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Discover research, podcasts, articles and more.

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Monthly eNewsletter

Our eNewsletter highlights the key themes affecting First Nations financial wellbeing.

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Monthly webinar

Make sure to come and support our professional community.

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Any questions?

Website developed by SLIK