A money website for Indigenous youth

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The First Nations Foundation has created a new, free website to help young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people learn more about money – and we’re excited to tell you that our Tomorrow Money project goes live today.

We know money isn’t always an easy topic.

Our community has not always had access to the right tools and information, which has made it tough to get ahead.

Now is the time for that to change.

We believe that if we have the knowledge to make good decisions around money, life can be a bit easier than it has been in the past.

Some of that knowledge has to come from our own community because they understand our culture, our traditions and our challenges. That’s why we will have a number of Indigenous writers contributing to the site.

With more Indigenous people using the internet than ever before, we hope this website will give the community a place to come to when they would like more information about money-related topics.

The topics that we will write about will help you make decisions through some of the most important and fun parts of life. They include things like buying your first home, saving for a holiday or gap year, putting together a family budget or what to do when you get your first job.

We will build on this as we go alone and based on what you tell us you want to know more about.

We will also share stories from within our community of people who have overcome challenges and achieved success. We hope these stories will be inspiring and may help others come up with their saving ideas.

We hope you find our new website helpful and we look forward to hearing from you about what else you’d like to learn more about.

Visit us at tomorrowmoney.co


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